A Day to Remember

 Honoring Your Baby
There are countless ways to remember and honor your baby. No matter how much time has passed since your miscarriage, it is never too late to memorialize your child.
You can find comfort and healing by incorporating your baby’s memory into your life. Here are some suggestions:
  • Create a memory box. Include any mementos you may have from your baby. Anything you may have that reminds you of your pregnancy or your baby can be included, even if you just have a few things.
             You may also want to add:
              – A letter to your baby.
              – A birth or name certificate. If you did not receive one, consider making one.
              – A poem or quotation that reminds you of the baby.
  • Make a donation in your baby’s name. Publicly acknowledge your child by making a charitable donation, or give something to a needy child that is the same age your child would have been now.
  • Make something for the baby such as a quilt, a painting, a cross stitch, an outfit, a piece of pottery or furniture.
  • Buy a piece of jewelry that symbolizes your baby. Your baby’s birthstone, or an engraved necklace with your baby’s name can be good choices.
  • Plant a tree or garden in memory of your baby. Decorate the tree on Mother’s Day to remember your baby.
  • Add your baby to the family tree. If you named your baby, add him or her permanently to the family by including the baby in your family tree.
  • Donate baby items that you may have bought or received to a worthy charity. You may also do this in your baby’s name.
  • Have a celebration each year on Mother’s Day, or just take a quiet walk through a park or on a beach with family or friends and reflect on your baby.
  • Include your baby in the hospital’s Remembrance Book. Most hospitals have a remembrance book, and even if your baby did not die in a hospital, you can contact the Chaplin at your local hospital.
  • Light a candle for the baby.
  • Have a star named after your baby.
  • Remember your baby online. There are a number of websites with free memorial sections.
  • Remember Me Bears is a website that will make a bear for your baby made from fabric you provide. It could be from baby’s blanket or clothing. 
Remembering your baby is a very personal thing.  There is no right or wrong way to honor your child. Taking the time to memorialize your baby on Mother’s Day will bring meaning to this important day.